Workshop topics include:
Beyond the Sidelines: supporting young people in their sporting experience
Sports are are supposed to be fun and can provide lifelong lessons. Unfortunately, too often, adults get in the way! How parents relate to children at home has a big impact on how they will show up in the sporting arena, and their sporting experience can affect their life at home.
In this workshop you’ll learn how to support, encourage and inspire your young athletes, whether they want to be the next Serena Williams or just to have fun with their friends (or both!). Practice what to say when they win, when they lose, and when they want to quit. Join us to find out ways to make the youth sports experience more enjoyable… for everyone!
Empathy-the magic ingredient for connection
We all long to be heard and understood. This workshop will help develop listening and communication skills to enhance all relationships. These skills are essential for deep connection as well as conflict resolution.
Fostering Resilience in Young People
Life is full of ups and downs. How we treat our children plays a big role in determining how they deal with tough situations. We can either wrap them in bubble-wrap to protect them, or equip them with skills to handle the unexpected. Learn what you can do to help your child build resilience- the capacity to weather the storms they will inevitably encounter.
Setting Limits with Children
(Without losing your cool or breeding resentment)
It is our responsibility to protect and guide our young people, while teaching them about the ways of the world. This workshop will give you tools to stay connected, while holding limits with compassion and understanding.
Parenting With the Brain in Mind
Parenting is challenging. These little people have minds of their own! They can lose it over what seems to be the smallest thing, and it can be so hard for us not to get frustrated.
Neuroscience can explain what’s going on with us, what’s happening to them, and why telling them to “calm down” doesn’t work. When we know how our growing people’s brains function we can be more effective parents. We will also be more patient, more understanding and be able to recognize when we really have an opportunity to teach.
Join us for a dip into brain science. You’ll come away with some simple strategies to:
- decrease the chances of losing it (both you and your kids)
- recognize and respond to different brain states
- increase joy, connection and cooperation in your family life
Talking With Your Teen
Adolescence can be fun, difficult, tumultuous and exhilarating to experience and to live with! As parents, we are typically worried about sex, drugs, friends, parties, academics and our child’s future. We’re concerned that we only have a few years left to influence them and they’ve stopped listening to us, or we feel disconnected.
It’s not too late!!
In this class you’ll learn how to have a connected, mutually respectful relationship with your teenager.You’ll have the opportunity to practice strategies for communication that connect instead of alienate. You’ll also learn how to support your teens through solving their own problems, thus helping them to develop resilience. The skills you learn will help you with all your relationships, not just with your kids!